le 17052015 C E

Hi all

In fact, I thank you all for your presence on this blog, you were 62 countries, there are approximately 1 month after 69, about 15 days ago, now more than 90, I think.

VALERIE, how to, TU LES AS case, DESTROYED, on BFM, WOAWH!, too sharp, but VRAIMENTTROP FORTE, then the frankly , hats down,Madam TRIERWERLER, or how to deliver, nicely journaliiiiiiiiiste in their place, you AS food LION’s, or, what!, ca at least, it is for all TVs, that you on trails in the mud, but hat! and thank you for this MOMENT.

The BFM, as usual, you tell frankly, anything on the beu, and to your artist leatherette, one who took a guitar, that which was hidden, it spreads during florent, it will be the WAD for power the Sun of satan 2,(the return,part2)

The Egyptians , You know, you are going to put to death, MOHAMED MORSI, it’s your choice, funny, anyway, a guy who was elected and which prevails in the second round, on former Prime Minister Ahmed Chafik with 51.73% of the votes, it’s frankly funny, and we cannot say that it is a victory over wire, or a frank paste, but a small paste well, tell me, as it should, frankly hamper, so we want to put to death, without waiting! It’s true that after the forced to resignation. Hosni Mubarak, February 11, 2011, due to the Egyptian revolution, Hosny Mubarak had it bad, should have the balls (I just read an article that said « Hosni Mubarak is accused of heresy by a hundred Ulama he would be suspected of belonging to the famous networks illuminati Zionist Free Masons is powerful, Cabalistic, but, I understand, Mr hosny Mubarak (, I suspected a bit.)) They therefore, part of these in… les, who blew the tunnels (, among others) in the band from GAZA, for the supply of trapped families in the strip of GAZA for food and drugs,and MORSI, was for his brothers from GAZA. These illimines.de sheitan, moreover, it seems that they would have a,(tiens,pourquoi,une synagogue? ça ne m’êtonne même pas,dans ce cas ne chercher pas plus loin D;) synagogue Rockefeller, D; Rothschild, and the so-called Queen of England Elisabeth 2, of German origin are in, but I’d, you, I would consider there 2 times, see 3 and +

Finally, it’s your choice, that will not do what a martyr than to heaven of ALLAH, it could also simply multiply the already fervent faith among some, but like, some risk of change, things which it is, you never know. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would be a shame (ELIANE, no, I’m raving) of blame, once things are made. Addition, apparently, cannot tell, nor the elections that have preceded, we were honest, without faults, (hold, I have on hand, the words of a Muslim brother, behold, what there think and said, before the élections(Avant même la proclamation officielle deles de résultats, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, un ancien membre deles de Frères musulmans, a averti qu’il ne les reconnaîtrait pas.)) (« The national conscience does not allow to call these elections honest, » he explained.) so, I know what you are going to say, yeah, it’s normal, it takes the words of a Muslim brother, I want to tell you, as a guy (no aware, of course) side, the first Minister Chafik could say the same of the elections, when I say not aware, it is not initiated, Masons franc pas.

You know, gentlemen, ladies that for some people, like its illuminated another sbetween ddruk already, they fuck completely from you with them or against them, the evidence is that during the second world war, ca do the steps gener swing their own agents to the gestapo, this is to show you the interest it pays to human gender-(read me yesterday the 15052015 C) , they will be killing a believers, but their goal is to kill, yes kill, all believers, whether they are Muslim, or, cathos, or later Buddhist, and other. A religion, either, is to prohibit, because it allows the man in general, sublimate, to outdo and it. (this defrissent.), I don’t know if you saw pink floyd

The wall, with these same hammers who walk ensemble(les paroles aussi sont importantes) this is what they would like to be.

You know raised, almost a reunion, and mother genouille stoup, until 14 years, mass, every Sunday morning, these kickers, these pumps, which made me a dog sore

And, a few times the week end, clairvoyance (rue de PARIS gâtines) WOAWH! Super weeck, serious fun, what…! for a kid of 14 piges (years), it and at that time, I’ve heard, GRI GRI, at the meeting, it is like that, what we call black magic, that said 14 freelancing now, I had occultais it this I didn’t hear about it, I was running away even the discussions which in parlaien tcar, I thought that this , had forgotten to me, as I had forgotten, I was deceived, there is one thing that comforts me is knowing that I have learned, much more in property on the gens(en voyant,qrace à l’armée en allant à leur rencontre qu’,en sachant,qu’elle existe,et qu’elle ‘apporte rien,que malheurs et desctructions)

Genre: If you you maques with a super girl, a bomb, expect, to be cuckolded, someday, so wholesale, you can be super, rich, have a good stashed place, or you trains no one, and you palps a max or to reach miles and cents, but in hand you’re super con, too, is the price, that we ask you pay , the ridiculous, then it can tuer(on dit toujours que le ridicule ne tue pas,AHOUAI), if. Jai understood that in certain maconnidues Scottish Lodge, they were node, with a small pink ribbon around the cock, for the ritual of initiations, normal what.

When I have said, that there was a synagogue, is after, one wonders, why!

There are so many crap!

You see dear people English and American, and French, but, you have already understood, as our friends, our German brothers, belges(je pense,à toi LAURENT.) (L) and, the Spanish who are beginning to draw it’s a big practical joke for us divide this, it is also to say, right, left in France, this is the tank, the conservative, labour, in England, is the tank, Republicans and Democrats in the USA, it is the tank, all is lie
In France, the Bank of France has been implemented. However, Napoleon decided France had to break free of debt and he therefore never trusted this bank. He said that, when a Government is dependent upon bankers for money, it is bankers and not the heads of Government who are in control. He said,

« The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. « Money has no motherland, financial are without patriotism and without decency, their sole purpose is gain ‘., and he was totally right, it’s only marine lepen, we said, with this debt, law 1973, and she had, yet reason

I did not all want to have a country, they are in the process destroy, if there ‘ there had it…


•The Synagogue of Satan +.
•The Synagogue of Satan – developed to date, extended and uncensored
•On behalf of Yahweh
•Signed Bookstore
•MP3 Interviews Articles +.

« In 2006, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock self published, »The Synagogue of Satan, »the most damning exhibition which ran the world backstage for centuries.

This book of 60 000 words was translated by independent publishers in several languages and subsequently featured on the bestseller lists worldwide.

Now, five years later, revolutionary historical study of Hitchcock has been updated and expanded throughout to update at the end of 2011, forming a virtual Encyclopaedia of this criminal network stretching over 140 000 words.

Within the wealth of additional information are included the complete, ‘Protocols of learned elders of Zion’, as well as excerpts from each of the eighty articles that make up the four-volume set of Henry Ford, « The International Jew, » which are presented for the first time in chronological order.

« The Synagogue of Satan – updated, Expanded and Uncensored, » are an encyclopedia of who is running in the world behind the scenes, it is presented in chronological order for easy verification, and its index of 30 page allows the reader to navigate across with ease.

« Not recommended for the faint hearted, this is no ordinary book, and anyone who reads will never be the same… »

You can buy it directly from the Publisher by clicking on the image to the left, it is also available on e-books, books i, Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook, since the normal channels.

The complete index of this book is reproduced below:

20th century Fox 219

20th century Pictures 219

666 248, 282

7/7 London bombings 359

7/7 ripple effect 390

9/11 Odigo – messaging to alert the Jews 340

9/11 – 200 Israelis expelled suite stop 340

9/11 – subcontracted to Israeli companies 338 airport security

9/11 – dancing Israelis 339

9/11 – dancing Israeli – there to document the attack 339

9/11 – good for Israel 338

9/11 – hijackers visited Israeli owned boats game 338

9/11 – the Israeli art 346 students

9/11 – Israeli short sale 341

9/11 – Jerusalem Post – 4 000 Isaelis in the absence of WTC 340

9/11 – Jewish society breaks lease a week before the attack 342

Double Jew from 9/11 – WTC 341 assurance

9/11 – Mossad false flag 337

Operation of the Mossad from 9/11-386

9/11 – seven hijackers suspected still alive 338

9/11 – orchestrated by Mossad 371

Abbas, Mahmoud 393

ABC 237, 315, 330

abiotic oil theory 331

Abraham, Larry 275

Abramoff, Jack 338

Abramovich, 334 Roman

Abrams, Elliott 329

Achille Lauro 295, 349

Adelson, Sheldon 393

Adler, Salomon 251

African National Congress (ANC) 319

Agnew, Spiro 281

Albright, Madeleine, 324, 325

Allen, Gary 275

Allen, Keith 390

Allen, Lily 390

Allevijah, Mario 207

Alliance Israélite Universelle 215

Al-Mabhouh, Mahmoud 379

Almaden Quicksilver mines 28

AMDOCS 329, 333, 344

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 310

American civil war 36, 37, 40, 41

Concentration camps American 244

American friends of Lubavitch 342

American Hebrew, 6

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 352, 353, 354, 357, 367, 388

American Jewish Committee 364, 389

American Jewish Congress 229

American Journal of Psychiatry 277

American Medical Association (AMA) 131

286 American Nazi party

American Psychiatric Association 277

Amnesty International 308

Room of the company of the Dutch West Indies 6 Amsterdam

ANC (African National Congress) 267

2 Anglo-Saxon

Annan, Kofi 328

Anne Frank 331 Museum

Anti-Defamation League (ADL) 31, 133, 207, 236, 246, 253, 291

Anti-Semitism-definition 346

apothecaries 4

American-Arab anti-discrimination Committee (CDAA) 294

Arafat, Yasser 291, 326, 349

Arcand, Adrien 228

Archbishop Desmond Tutu 267

Archbishop of Canterbury 213

Armitage, Richard L. 329

Armstrong, George 234

School of advanced military studies (SAMS) 337

Arraf, Huwaida 377

Ashcroft, John 353

Ashkenazi, Rabbi Nathan of Gaza 7

Asian Law Caucus 313

Astaroth 247

AT & T 333

Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal 135

Atta, Mohamed 338

Atzmon Menachem 338

Auchincloss, Hugh 261

Auld Isaac 17

Auschwitz 303

Society of blast furnace Austro-Hungarian 30

Aven, Piotr 311

Axelrod, David 374

NAI b ‘ rith 31, 133, 269, 291

Bacque, James 300

Baer, Alan 349, 350

Bair, Sheila 374

137 Balfour Declaration

Balfour, Arthur James 137, 209

Bank for International Settlements (bis) 299

Bank for International Settlements (bis) 213, 214, 215

Bank of England 33, 39, 236, 242, 328

Bank of England – training 7

Bank Rothschild 273, 291

Bar Ilan University 302

Barak, Ehud 328

Baring, Sir Francis 19

Baron, Rabbi Hillel 366

Baruch, Bernard 140, 204, 211

Battle of Waterloo 22

Bauer – change of name of Rothschild 10

Bauer, Mayer Amschel 9

Bauer, Moses Amschel 9

Bauer, Yehuda 306

Bazelon, David Lionel 244, 246

BBC 371, 392

Beamish, Rear Admiral Henry Hamilton 122, 227

Beaty, John 253

Begin, Menachem 241, 244, 248, 257, 285, 291, 385

Belloc, Hilaire 206, 227

Belmont, August 29, 41

Ben-Gurion, David 241, 249, 251, 254, 256, 260

Ben-Iudah, Rabbi Simeon 44

Ben-Menashe, Ari 296, 311

Judge William 329 Bennett, France

Bentov, Cheryl 298

Berezovsky, Boris 311, 334

Bergner, Jeffrey 329

Berman, Matvei 143

Bernanke, Ben 374, 380

Bernstein, Jack 293

Bernstein, Lionel ‘Rusty’ 267

Bevin, Ernest 241

Bhutto, Benazir 371

Hayim Nahman Bialik, Haim Nachman 219

Bible 301

Biddles 47

256, 310 Bilderberg Group

Billikopf, Jacob 129

Bin Laden, Osama 341

Birmingham Stephen 40

Birnbaum, Nathan 51

Birthright Israel 305

Blair, Tony 43, 256, 312, 327, 380

White, Sir Victor 372

Blankfein, Lloyd 378

Bloom, Philip 362

Blue Dog Coalition 363

Blum, Leon 228

War of the Boers 122

Boesky, Ivan 298

Bohemian Grove 247

Bolshevism 24, 143, 144, 145

Bolton John 329

Bomba, Abraham 306

Booth, Algernon 43

Booth, Cherie 43

Booth, John Wilkes, 41, 43

Booth, Junius Brutus 43

Bouvier, Janet 261

Boyer, Louise Auchincloss 283

Brackman, Harold 130

Brandeis, Jonas L. 349

Brandeis, Louis Dembitz 135, 136

Brando, Marlon 286, 326

Brazil, Masterplan for 331

Breivik, Anders Behring 392

Bremer, Paul 351

Bretton Woods 238

Brezhnev, Leonid 275

Brigham Young University 361

Brin, Abe 307

Brin, Yehudah Yoav 307

British Coal 296

British Gas 296

Leader Union British 51

British Museum 147

British Newfoundland Corporation Limited 255

British Petroleum (BP) 292

Tips British regional electricity 296

Regional councils of British waters 296

British Royal family 29

British Steel 296

Brittan, Leon 298

Bronfman, Barbara 290

Bronfman, Edgar 327

Bronfman, Joanie 393

Brown, Bernard Joseph 219

Brown, Gordon 256, 328-380

Bryen, Stephen 285, 310, 353

Buchanan, James 35

Peerage of Burke 258

Burke-Wadsworth Act 235

Burstein, Nathan 370

Bush, George Herbert Walker 306, 351

Bush, George w. 333, 342, 346, 351, 354, 356, 357, 358, 363, 366

Bush, Laura 366

Bush, Prescott, 236, 240

Bustamante Madriz, Miguel 348

Byrd, Robert 259

C. M. de Rothschild e figli 40

Callaway, Oscar 138

Cameron, David 365

Canada AM 321

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 255

Carnegie 130 Foundation

Carnegie, Andrew 47, 255

Carnegies 205

Carpenter, John 301

Carter, Jimmy 284, 288

Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company 50, 127

Castro, Fidel 259

Catholic Church 15, 127-277

CBS 210, 280, 281, 315, 373

CBS News 261

Central Bank – creates money from nothing, 8

Central Bank – privilege to make money 8

Central Bank for central banks 213

Chabad Lubavitch 308, 316, 343

Chancellor of the Exchequer 209

the 50 channel tunnel

Bank of the India, the Australia and China 366

Chase Manhattan Bank of New York 134

Chase, Salomon p.37

Château Clarke 282

Château Lafite 44

Château Mouton Rothschild 34

Chavez, Hugo 333, 348

Chelsea Football Club 334

31 North Railway

Chernin, Peter 373

Chertoff, Michael 340, 358

The Chief Rabbi of Spain 3

China Banking Regulatory Commission 367

Chirac, Jacques 324

Christianity 49

Christopher, Warren 326

Church of Satan 287, 306, 328

Churchill, Winston 144, 209, 211, 235, 238, 321, 363

Cinema educational Guild Inc. 133

City of London 31, 33

Clarkson, Lana 375

Clay, Henry 27

Clinton, Bill 256, 320, 325, 326, 329, 330, 332, 336, 345

Clinton, Hillary, 321

Council of Europe, Frank 251

Cohen, Avner 261

Cohen, Hannah Barent 18

Cohen, Israel 132, 133

Cohen, Moses 17

Cohn, Harry 208

Cohn, Jack 208

Colbert, James 325

Necklace, Charlie 373

Collin, Frank 287

Columbia Pictures 208

Columbia University 129

Communism 32, 45, 227

Communism is 254 racial

Manifesto of the Communist Party, the 32, 262

Community Security Trust (CST) 395

47 Northern railway company

The European Bank 291 company

Compagnie Financière, Paris 257

Comverse Infosys 329, 344

Congress of Vienna 24, 138

Coningsby 30

Connally, John 290

Conroy, George R. 132

Conservative friends of Israel 366

Coolidge, Calvin 213

Cooper, Chris 331

Corrie, Rachel 350

Cossiga, Francesco 371

Coulthard, William 243

Board of Commissioners of the 139 people

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), 204, 205

Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) 142

Count Folke Bernadotte 250

Courtney, Tom 272

Craighead, Shealah 366

Crick, Walter 209

Cromwell, Oliver 4

Crossley, Anthony 231

Crypto-Jew 11, 32, 40, 47, 130, 135, 206, 218, 259, 260, 333, 336, 351, 353, 389

Frank Czolgosz, Leon 123

DaCosta, Isaac 17

227 daily Express, 244

Daily Telegraph, 258

Dalitz, Moe 129, 291, 292

Davies, Glyn 324

Davis, Jefferson 35

Davitt, John 253

Dawes, Charles G. 213

Day-Lewis, Daniel 43

De Beers 51

de Gaulle, Charles 321, 363

Lieben, Israel 17

Rothschild 20, 50 brothers, 260, 273

Dean, John 301

Dearborn Independent, 147, 256

Davies, John W. 350

Defense Investigative Service 322

Dawood, Mr. Yaakov Yisrael 208

Deir Yassin 248, 249

democracy – definition 389

Democratic National Committee 282

Desmond, Richard 244

Dillon, Emile Joseph 141

Director of the Office of Alien Property (PAO) 244

Disraeli, Benjamin 30, 47

diversity 269

Dobriansky, Paula 329

Dodd, Norman 255

Donmeh 7

Donnan, Elizabeth 221

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 49

Drexels 47

Dulles, John Foster 258

Dunham, Anne 374

Dunham, Madelyn 374

DuPont 364

Duprat, François 285

Earl of Caithness 327

290 Earth Day

Company of the East Indies 21

Eban, Aba 313

Edmond Rothschild Bank 367

Training day, U.S.A 308

Education 229 workers international

League of workers of education 229

287 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty

Ehrenburg, Ilya 238

Eichmann, Adolf 295

Einhorn, Ira 290

Einstein, Albert 247

Eisenhower, Dwight 255, 300, 301, 363

Eisner, Kurt 228

Eitan, Rafael 295

Elsevier 352

Emanuel, Ari 373

Emanuel, Rahm 374

Encyclopaedica Judaica 204

Engel v. Vitale – prayer prohibited in American schools 259

Enron 336

scam movement 123

Epstein, Israel 251

European Central Bank 331

European Community 275

EU 253

Executive Committee of Zionist Affairs 135

Executive Order 11110 260

Executive Order 6102 218

Exxon Mobil 348

Fabian Society 133

Factor, John Jacob 271

Factor, Max 272

Fairbanks Jr., Charles 325

Farrakhan, Louis 359

Fascism 32, 45

Faurisson, Dr. Robert 331

Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) 207

Reserve Federal 28, 134, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 260, 283, 310, 381, 384

The reserve federal law 134, 239

Federation of Jewish communities in Switzerland 221

Fein, Prof. Leonard j. 274

Feith, Douglas 325, 352

Field, A. N. 7

Findley, Paul 312

First Bank of the United States, 16: 19

Fischer, Bobby 365

Fisher, Colonel Ernest F. 300

Casino Flamingo 129

Fleischer, Ari 342

Flexner 130 report

Flexner, Abraham 130, 131

Ford 255 Foundation

Ford, Henry 147, 255

Forrester, Izola 41

Fort Knox 283

Fox Film Corporation 219

Foxman, Abraham 336, 355

Frank, Barney 375

Franklin, Benjamin 14

Franklin, Larry 352

Free Gaza movement 376, 377

market free illusion 384

Freehof, Dr. Solomon 222

Freemasons – Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient closed 13

Freemasons – Continental order of 12

Freemasons – doctrine based on 46 of Jewish Kabbalah

Freemasons – Grand Lodge of the State of Israel, of the ancient Free and Accepted Masons 320

Freemasons – Grand Orient 12, 13

Freemasons – 210 Jew

Freemasonry – Lodge of Mizraim in Paris 53

Freemasons – provided the use of wars and revolutions to achieve their political ends 13

Freemasons – Scottish Rite 16, 46

Freemasons – 17 South Carolina

French revolution 13, 15, 17, 25, 145

Frenkel, Ashura 143

Freud, Sigmund 34

Freudmann, Lillian c. 316

Frieden, Thomas R. 375

Friedman, Arnold 306

Friedman, Mikhail 311

Friedman, Milton 212

Frost, David 371

Fuchs, Ephraim 321

Fuchs, Kevin 295

Fukuyama Francis 329

Fulbright, William J. 280

227 weekly G. K.

G20 395

Galbraith, John Kenneth 211

Gallatti, Captain d. h. 244

Gapon, Georgi Apollonovich 127

Garfield, James A. 49

Geithner, Tim 374, 375

Genachowski, Julius 374

General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) 253

Genovese 289 family

Gensler, Gary 374

Gentiles 268

George, David Lloyd 220

Georgia Guidestones 288

Edit of German emancipation of 1822 141

Gervais, Ricky 371

Gibson, Mel 355

Gilbert, Martin 305

Ginsburg, Rabbi Yitzhak 317

Girls Club of Omaha 349

Giuliani, Rudolph 336, 339

Gladstone, William 33

Glasnost 302

Glinka, Justine 53

Global Report 2000 288

Act on the global review of anti-Semitism 357

globalization 226

Glynn, Martin H. 144, 238

Gold Standard 42, 53, 209, 380, 382, 383

Goldberg, Arthur 332

Goldberg, Denis 267

Goldenson, Leonard 281

Goldman Sachs 204, 378

Goldman, Adam 344

Goldman, Emma 123

Goldman, Sachs of New York 134

Goldmann, Nahum 286

Goldreich, Arthur 267

Goldsmid, Abraham 19

Goldsmith, Carole 390

Goldsmith, Gary 390

Goldsmith, Sir James 390

Goldsmith, Zac 390

381 gold standard

Goldstein, Dr. Baruch Kappel, 316, 317

Goldstein, Emmanuel 251

Goldwyn Pictures 208

Goldwyn, Samuel 208

Goodman, Julian 281

Gordon, Dr. John E. 365

Gottheil, Richard 52

Goy 268

goyim 11, 268

Graham, Katherine 281

Grand Sanhedrin 3

Great satraps 3

Grant, general Ulysses p. 39, 43

Great depression 212

Green, Andy 295

Greenbacks 38, 42

Greenbaum, Gus 243

Greenbaum, Izaak 237

Greenberg, Alex 245

Greenspan, Alan 214

Greenspun, Herman Milton 314, 315

Grey, Brad 373

Grynszpan, Herschel 229

Guggenheim 255 Foundation

Guggenheim, Untermyer and Marshall 133

Stock fraud of Guinness 395

GUITEAU, Charles 49

Of the 307 Gulf war syndrome

Gusinsky, Vladimir 311, 344

Gwynne, H. A. 146

H.R. 4655 – Iraq Liberation Act 330

Haaretz 260, 273

HA’avara – Nazi/Jewish 217 contribution agreement

Habib, Avshalom 244

Hague, William 257

Halphen, Noémie 51, 130, 274

Hamas 366

Hamburg, Margaret 374

Hamilton, Alexander 15

Myth Hamitic 130

Hanau , Eva, 16, 32


Harari, Mike 303

Harel, Ezra 338

Harper Collins 322

Harriman 213

Harriman, Edward H. 52

Harriman, Edward R. 47

Harrison, Lieutenant Colonel Debra 362

Harwood, Richard 285

hate crimes 367 legislation

Havas 135

Danger circular 39

Heath, Edward 275

Hebrew University 209

Hebrew University of Jerusalem 352

Held, Dr. Isaac 17

Vaccinated against hepatitis B infected by AIDS 286

Hereditary title holders have heirs woman married to a Jew 225

Proponents of the hereditary title that married Jewish women 224

Hereditary title holders with Jewish blood 223

Herlong Jr, a. P. 262

Hermit of Salamanca 3

Heron International 395

Hersh, Seymour M. 311

Herzl, Theodor 52, 314, 356, 370

Herzl, Theodor anti-Semitic will be our best friends 52

Hesse-Kassel 18

Hezbollah 324

Hickey, w. 227

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) 386

Hill, John Anthony 390

Hill, Virginia 129

Hiroshima 239, 325

Hirsch, Rabbi Emil g. 130

Hitler, Adolf, 212, 216, 230, 232, 233, 236, 246, 262, 276

Hitler, Alois 232

277 AIDS virus

Hoffa, Jimmy 292

Hoffman, Clare 246

Hollings, Ernst 354

Hollis, Christopher 8

Hollywood Chamber of Commerce 326

Hollywood Walk of Fame 326

Holmes, Professor Jesse h. 6

Holocaust – Bill Gayssot 305

Holocaust – how Jews gain sympathy 344

Holocaust – International Red Cross figures 365

Holocaust – figures World Almanac 364

305, 356 Holocaust denial

repairs of the Holocaust 232, 327

217, 365 Holocaust survivors

Hooks, Benjamin 130

Hoover Edgar j. 207, 243

Hotam 302

House Banking & currency Committee 211, 212, 222

Committee on UN-American activities 246

House, Colonel Edward Mandell 204

Howe, Russell Warren 241

HR 442 « providing Restitution for the war of Japanese-American civilian internment. » 245

Huffington Post 373

Hughes, Billy 144

Huntleigh USA 338

Hussein, Saddam 308, 325, 329, 330, 333

Hutschnecker, Dr. Arnold A. 277

Hyatt Regency – Kansas City – bridge collapse 289

Hylan, John 205

Hymans, Paul 228

I.G. Farben, 230, 240

IBM 282

Iceland 385 debt crisis

Iger, Robert 373

Illuminati 3, 11, 26, 28, 44, 45

Illuminati – Bavarian government warns Europe 14

Illuminati – four point plan 12

Illuminati – Jewish internationalism 12

Illuminati – one world conspiracy 12

Illuminati – outside the law by the Bavarian Government 13

Illuminati – object of 11

Illuminati – the original writings of the order and the sect of the 14

Enlightenment 17

Illustrated Sunday Herald 145

260 Imétal

Riots IMF 345

Immigration 357

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 269

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) 347

On behalf of Yahweh 1

Indyk, Martin 326

Institute Of International Affairs 142

International Bank for Reconstruction and development (IBRD) 238

277 international Catholic Jewish Liaison Committee

International consultants on targeted security (ICTs) 338

international bankers 3

International Herald Tribune 281

International Indian Treaty Council 313

International Jew, 147, 148

A Jew sees his people that others see their 180

Every Jew brand red-Russia, the 164

Jewish Enigma of America – Louis Marshall 199

An address for the ‘Gentiles’ on the Jewish problem 203

An Introduction to the « Jews » 157 protocols

Angles of the Jewish Influence in life American 181

Anti-Semitism – it appears the United States? 154

Are Jews victims or executioners? 183

Arnold and his Jewish helpers at West Point 195

Arthur Brisbane leaps from the Jewish community 155

‘ B’nai B’rith Leader addresses the Jews 181

Benedict Arnold and help Jews in shady Deal 194

Candid address to the Jews on the Jewish problem 202

Do you Forsee WWII Jews? 159

Disraeli, British Prime Minister, depicts the Jews 172

Disraeli of America – a Jew from superpower 171

A specific program Jewish world exist? 156

Jewish power controls the world press? 163

This explains the Jewish political power? 163

Dr. Levy, a Jew, admits his 180 people errors

Economic plans of international Jewry, 187

Gentle Art to change the names of Jews, the 197

The Germany versus Jew 151

Jewish liquor giant Trust and his 200 career

High and low of the Jewish money power, 170

Historical basis of Jewish imperialism, the 156

How the international Jewish Finance works 185

How capitalized Jews protest against the Jews 173

How the Jews acquired American Liquor Control 200

How the Jews in the u. s. conceal their strength 167

How the ‘Jewish Question’ key farm 160

How the trust of Jewish song makes you sing 189

How the Jews ruled and ruined Tammany Hall 193

How Jews use Power – by an eyewitness 191

Is the Kahal « Jew » the modern « Soviet »? 160

Jewish in character and business, 149

Jewish crafts link with the revolutionary world 180

However non-Jewish Jew in New York finance 169

Jew son directly puppet Tammany 194 Gentile

Jewish « Kol Nidre » and « Eli, Eli » explained 195

Jewish aspect of the ‘Movie’ problem, 174

Jews Associates of Benedict Arnold, the 194

Jewish control of the American Theater 172

Copper Kings Jews reap rich war-Profits 172

Jewish degradation of American Baseball 191

Jewish asked for « Rights » in America, the 177

Jewish element in smuggling evil, 201

Jewish estimate of Nature human Gentile 157

Gamblers Jews corrupted Baseball 191

History of the Jews in the United States 152

Hot-beds Jews of Bolshevism to the 180 United States

Jewish idea in us 183 monetary policy

Molded Jewish idea Plan 184 of the federal reserve

Jewish idea of the Central Bank for America 184

Jewish Jazz becomes our national music 189

Jewish plan to split the company by ‘Ideas’ 159

Jewish Power and America money Famine 186

Jewish question – fact or fancy?, the 154

The Jewish Question in the Magazines 155 breaks

Jewish question in present testimony, the 190

Jewish rights Clash with American rights 178

Jews rights to studies in schools 179

Jewish supremacy in the film world 174

Jewish witness to Bolshevism 165

Jewish testimony on « are the Jews a Nation?  » 167

Jews and the cry of « Religious Persecution », the 182

Jews are silent, the National voice is heard 188

Jews as judges New York see the 199

Jews use the Peace Conference to link Poland 169

Complaining about the Jews « Americanism », 168

Current status of the Jewish Question, the 173

Birth of the first Jewish Theatre Trust, the 172

The Kehillah handles New York 176 Jewish rule

Scope of the Jewish dictatorship in the U.S., The 171

Taft once tried to resist the Jews – and 173 failed

That the Jews tried where they power 197

When publishers were independent of the Jews 174

Why Jews don’t like the report from Morgenthau 168

Jewish Zionism will bring Armageddon? 181

International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) 313

International monetary Fund (IMF) 213, 238, 239, 292, 299, 330, 334, 335, 345, 386, 388

Red Cross International 248, 376

Internationalism 226, 255, 348, 377

Interpal 372

Iran-Contra 299, 314

Irgun gang 248

Irish Aid North 313

IRS (Internal Revenue Service) 282

Irving, David 368

Islamic Bank of Britain 372

Government Islamic Ottoman Turkish 135

Israel – the law of return 253

Israel – spy U.S.A. 256, 257

Israel – water flight 351

Israel Moses Seif banks of Italy 134

Israeli defense force (IDF) 316, 350

Israeli Knesset 258, 284, 356, 369

248, 249 Israeli war crimes

Israelites 1, 208

Isratex Afroz company, W.V. 307

Itzik, Dalia 351

Izoulet, John 215

J. L. Brandeis and sons 349

J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn & Co. 310

Jabotinsky, Vladimir 219

Jackson, Andrew 26, 27, 28, 31

Jackson, Andrew – only president never to repay the national debt 29

Jackson, Henry « Scoop » 275

Defence weekly Jane 323

Japanese Nisei 244, 245

Javits, Jacob 284

Jefferson, Thomas, 16, 18

Jerome (Jacobson), Jenny 144

Jerusalem of Balkan 7

Jerusalem Post 315, 320, 323, 340, 356, 370, 386

Jesus Christ 277-310, 333-359

Jewish Chronicle 236, 251, 372

High School of the Jewish community of 387, 395

Jewish community, Thessaloniki 7

Jewish courier, 207

League of Jewish defence (JDL) 326, 341

Jewish League (JDL) 295

Jewish organization (JDO) 295

Jewish encyclopedia 21, 126, 127, 208

Jewish Institute for national security affairs, 311

Jewish nationalism 52

Jewish post and opinion 273

Jewish revolutionary group 285

Jewish ritual murder 126, 222

Jewish Sabbath 247

Jewish Tribune of New York 210

Jewish world 50

Jewish propaganda of World War 1 136

Jews – are Asiatics 15

Jews – are not white 273

Jews – boycott of German goods 217

Jews – work around the U.S.A. 234 racial immigration quotas.

Jews – collaboration with the Nazis 217

Jews – developed countries in the ban of 4

Jews – created communism 228

Jews – do not conform to an American 15

Jews – drawn to journalism 219

Jews – Ecstasy smuggling 333

Jews – edict of expulsion 4

Jews – hate fake 287, 356, 370 crimes

Jews – finance the two major political parties 270

Jews – financial rape of Britain leading to expulsion in 1290 3

Antagonism build Jews – against themselves in the world 6

Jews – how they create illegal settlements in Palestine 351

Jews – loaded to become doctors to take the lives of Christians 4, 131

Jews–asked to become lawyers to meddle in the Affairs of State 4

Jews – loaded strip of property 4 Christians

Jews – responsible for destroying 4 of Christian churches

Jews – Lucifer chosen people 284

Jews – of Constantinople 4

Jews – had to ban them from trade 18

Jews – paedophilia 334

Jews – persecution of Arabs 231

Jews – racially cohesive unit 356

Jews – deletion of historical literature 253

Jews – the aristocrats of the 216 world

Jews – their own Messiah 210

Jews – war against the Germany. 219

Jews – white of enslaved in prostitution 329

Johnson, Lyndon Baines 260, 269

Call nigger 271

Jones, Stephen e. 361

Joyce, William 226, 233, 240

Judaism 35, 49, 50, 208, 210, 227, 293

Jyllands-Posten 361

Kabbalah 301

Center of the Kabbalah in Israel 362

Kaczynski, Lech 386

Kagan, Elena 375

Kagan, Robert 329, 347

Kaganovich, Rosa 207, 302

Kefauver, Estes 292

Kehillas 381

Kelly, Raymond W. 333

Kennedy, Jackie 261

Kennedy, John F. 212-260, 261-290

Kennedy, Joseph 211, 212

Kerkorian, Kerkor « Kirk » 289

Kerry, John 356

Kever Yossev Yeshiva school Talmudic 317

Keynes, John Maynard 239

Khalilzad, Zalmay 329

Khazaria 1

Khazaria – bastardised nation 2

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail 311

Hang, Mikhail 352

Diamond fields of Kimberley 51

Kimmel, Stanley 43

The King Abdallah 208

King Bulan 1

King Charles I 4

King Hotel David bombing 241, 393

King George II 10

King Hussein of Jordan 320

King of Denmark 11

King of Sweden 11

King William III 8

King, Larry 326

Kissinger and Associates 352

Kissinger, Henry 24, 256, 283, 352

Kitchka, Alexander 332

Klain, Ron 374

Klatzkin, Jacob 205

Klinghoffer Leon 295, 349

Knickerbocker, Cholly 251

Knights of Jewish blood 225

Koehler, Hansjürgen 232

Koestler, Arthur 1

Kogan, Lazar 143

Kok, Eva 317

Teddy Kollek, Teddy 314

Quran 301

Korman, Nahum 336

Korshak, Marshall 271

Korshak, Sidney, 269, 270

Kosher Nostra 126

the kitchen of the White House 366 kosherization

Kristol, William 329, 347

Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paul 122

Kuhn, Donald 374

Kuhn, Loeb & Co 47, 129, 132, 134, 204

Kulisher, Professor a. 227

Kun Bela 145, 228

Kunstler, William 261

Kutcherov, Vladimir 332

Anti-Semitism, its history and its 5 causes

La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild (CFL) 262

La Revue de Paris 210

The Curiosa Silva 3

The work of Israel, 366, 372 friends

Lachout, Emil 250

Laemmle, Carl 132

Lagergren, Nane 328

Lahat, Shlomo 292

LANGA 295, 311, 323

Lamb, Ralph 243

Lamont, Norman 296, 312, 365, 387

Landman, Samuel 222

Lane, Lieutenant-Colonel A. H., 229

Langer, Walter 232

Lansky, Meyer 123, 124, 128, 207, 242, 276, 284

Lapid, Yosef 321

Las Vegas life 314

Las Vegas Sands Corp. 393

Las Vegas’ United Jewish Appeal 243

Laurer, George J. 282

LaVey, Anton 287, 306, 328

Case Lavon, 256

Lavon, Pinhas 256

Laurent, Richard 28

Laxalt Paul 315

Lazard brothers of Paris 134

Lazare Bernard 5

League of Nations, 142, 144, 240

Leese, Arnold, 222, 235

Lehman Brothers of New York 134

Lehmanns 204

Leibowitz, Jon 374

Lemmy, Adrian 46

47 of Lenin, 139, 143, 226

His blood be upon us and our children 356

Levi, Moses 17

Levine, Dennis 298

Levita, Emile 366

Levy, Baruch 210

Levy, Michael 327

Levy, Mordechai 286, 295

Levy, Moses Mordecai 32

Lewin, Nathan 286, 353

Monica Lewinsky, Monica 326

Lewis, Peter B. 393

Lieberman, Joe 342

Liebknecht, Karl 140

Magazine Life 204

Lincoln, Abraham, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 138, 230, 260, 262

Lindbergh, Charles 134

Lindsey, Dr. William B. 364

Lipstadt, Deborah 306

Petit, Dr. Kitty 322

Lloyds TSB 372

Lobel, Debra 394

Lobel, Thomas 394

Lodge, Henry Cabot 215

Loeb, Salomon 47

Loew, Marcus 208

Loewenberg, Robert 325

London Globe 143

London Morning Post 209

London Underground 209, 360

Lord Beswick 296

Lord Bryce 220

Lord Dalmeny 48

Lord Harrington 34

Lord Moyne 238

Los Angeles 347, 373 times

Mayer Pictures 208

Lucifer 46

Luxemburg, Rosa, 140, 145

Lynn, Richard 363

Lynton, Michael 373

Mr. A. von Rothschild und Söhne 123

MacMichael, Harold 238

Maddox, Holly 290

Madoff, Bernie 379

Madonna 362

Magna Carta 2

Magna Carta – specifically refers to the parasitic nature of Jews 3

Maguire, Mairead 376

Mandel, Georges 321

Mandela, Nelson 267, 319

Mandelstam, Max 121

Manning, Bob 295

Mao Tse Tsung 221, 251

Marlen, George 226

Group Marmon 289

Marsden, Victor E. 53

Marshall, Louis 256

Martin, Clifford 244

Marx, Karl 32, 145, 210, 319

Marxism 32

Project of Masa 377

Mayer, Louis B. 208

Mazzini, Guiseppe 28, 45, 46

Mbeki, Govan 320

Mbeki, Thabo 320

McCarthy, Joseph 240

McClellan, George 41

McFadden, Louis T. 211, 212, 222

McGeer, Gerald g. 41

McKinley, William 123

McKinney Cynthia 376

Medrano, Julio-3 Iñiguez

Mega 326, 353

Meir, Gideon 328

Meir, Golda 275

Merkel, Angela 256, 389

Messick, Hank 276

Metro Goldwyn Mayer 208

Metro Pictures Corporation 208

Mexican illegal immigration 368

Meyer, Barry 373

Meyer, Eugene 204

MGM 373

MGM Grand fire 288

Middleton, Kate 390

Miliband, David 379

Miliband, Ed 380

Miliband, Samuel 380

Milken, Michael 298

Milner, Lord Alfred 122

Minkowitz, Rabbi Mendy 366

Mohamed Mahathir 352

Molech 247

Mondavi, Robert 287

mongrelisation 357

37 Monroe doctrine

Monroe, James 37

Montefiore, Hugh 359

Montefiore, Moses 16, 359

144 Montefiores

Moonves, Leslie 373

Moran, Ellen 374

Morel, Salomon, 317, 318

Moreno, Pauline 394

Morgan Jr., j. P. 211

Morgan, j. P. 47, 122, 133, 138

Morning Post, 53

Morton, Frédéric 260

Mosley, Oswald 229

Mossad 253, 293, 294, 298, 301, 303, 304, 308, 314, 318, 321, 330, 333, 337, 349, 358, 367, 379

Müller, Commander Anton 250

Murdoch, Rupert, 322, 324

My name is Rachel Corrie 350

N. M. Rothschild & Sons 28, 47, 209, 255, 282, 296, 312, 388

N. M. Rothschild & Sons’-fix gold 144 daily prices

Nader, Ralph 354

Nagasaki 239

Nakar, Meir 244

Napoleon, 17, 18, 19, 21

Napoleon – his brother, Jérôme, King of Westphalia 18

Napoleon III 37

National Association for the advancement of people of color (NAACP) 129, 313

National Enquirer 269

National circle of journalists 295

National Security Agency (NSA) 332

National Socialist Party of America 287

Nazism 237

NBC 210

NBC News 270

NBC Universal 373

Netanyahu, Benjamin 241, 298, 302, 338, 361, 378, 387, 395

New Netherland 6

New order world 3, 210, 218, 226, 357

New York Chamber of Commerce 129

New York ext. 220

NYT 261, 281, 294, 310, 313, 326, 329

Newdegate, Charles Newdigate 35

Newhouse, Samuel 204

News Corp 373

newspapers – nothing can be believed in the 18

Newspeak 3

Newsweek Magazine 204, 281

Nidal, Abu 349

Nietzecheanism 32

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 32

Nilus, Serge A. 54

Nixon, Richard 282

308 noahide laws

Nordau, Max 126

Noriega, general Manuel 303

Norman invasion 2

Free trade agreement (NAFTA) 253

Northampton daily Echo 209

Novus Ordo Seclorum 218

NSSM 200 283

NUMEC (materials nuclear and Equipment Corporation) 267

240 Nuremberg trials

Oakland Educational Association 313

Obama, Barack, 374, 376, 395

Obama, Michelle 374

Hold Wall Street 393

Odeh, Alex 294, 295

Odigo 340

Olmert, Ehud, 338, 339, 369

Omar, Mullah 342

Operation lead hardened-374, 377

Operation Desert Storm 307

Opium, China 29 wars

opium-trade 26

Oppenheimer 10, 51, 319-320

Oppenheimer, Harry 319

Oppenheimer, J. Robert 239

Opus 1 287

Orgad, Jacob « Cookie » 333

Organization of OPEC exporting countries 348

Orszag, Peter 374

Orwell, George 251

Osama bin Laden 342, 371

Ostrovsky, Victor 293, 303, 304, 307, 318, 321, 367

Oswald, Lee Harvey 261

Oudendyke, M. 215

Our Sunday Visitor 259

Paice, Mervyn 244

Palestine Jewish colonization Association (PICA) 208

Organization for the liberation of Palestine (OLP) 291, 349, 367

Paley, William S. 210, 281

Panic of 1907 129

Pappen, David 17

Paramount Pictures 132, 373

Paterson, William 8

Patriot community 380

Media Patriot 381

Paul, Ron 383

PayPal 375


Pearl Harbor 235

Pearlman, Adam 370

Peixotto, Moses 17

Peled, Mattityahu 273

Peres, Shimon 314, 342

Perestroika 302

Perle, Richard 275, 286, 325, 329 353

Perlmutter, David 347

Perrin, Rabbi Yaacov 316

Petras, Professor James 369

Pharisees 309, 333

pharmaceutical industry 131

Pigano, Sylvia 292

Pike, Albert 45

Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth 14

Pine, L.G. 258

Pinter, Stephen f. 259

Pitter-Wilson, George 143

Commissioner general of police Bingham 266

politically correct 269, 357, 371, 376

Pollard, Jonathan 295, 323

Pope Gregory XVI 25

Pope John Paul I 285

Pope John Paul II 285

Pope Leo XIII 121

Potanin, Vladimir 311

Pound, Ezra 259

Power, Peter 360

Primrose, Archibald Philip 48

Primrose, Harry 48

Primrose, Lady Margaret 48

Primrose, Lady Sybil 48

Primrose, Neil 48

Prince William 390

Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau 10, 18, 21

Princess Diana 390

Princeton University 133

Pritzker, Abe, 289, 306

Pritzker, Jay A. 245

privatization 288

Proctor and Gamble 272

Progressive Insurance Companies 393

Project for a new century American (PNAC) 329

Prophet Mohammed 310, 361

No. 01 54 Protocol

No. 02 60 Protocol

No. 03 61 Protocol

No. 04 66 Protocol

No. 05 68 Protocol

No. 06 71 Protocol

No. 07 72 Protocol

No. 08 74 Protocol

No. 09 75 Protocol

No. 10 77 Protocol

Protocol No. 11 83

Protocol No. 12 85

Protocol No. 13 89

Protocol No. 14 91

No. 15 93 Protocol

Protocol n ° 16 100

Protocol No. 17 102

Protocol n ° 18 104

Protocol n ° 19 106

Protocol n ° 20 107

Protocol n ° 21 114

Protocol No. 22 116

Protocol No. 23 117

Protocol No. 24 119

Protocols of the elders of Zion, 53, 147, 203, 220, 328 scholars

Psychiatric news 277

Initiatives of public finance (PFI) 387

Law 102-14, 309 public

Public Order Act 1986 298

Purim 127, 307, 316, 351

324 Qana massacre

Quigley, Carroll 214, 284

Rabin, Yitzhak 320

Race Relations Act 267, 298

Ragen, James 242

Ramsay, Archibald Maule 235

Rankin, John 254

Raphaël, Marc Lee 293

Rappoport, Yakov 143

Rarrick, John R. 276

Rath, Ernst vom 229

RCA 209

Reagan, Ronald 245, 315

Recon Optical Inc 311

Red Cross 248

Committee Reece 255

Reece, Carroll b. 255

Regulation 18 b 235

Reichorn, Rabbi 44

213 of the Reichsbank

Reuters 135

Fellows Rhodes 229

Rhodes, Cecil 122

Ribakoff, Joseph 300

Rich, Denise 336

Rich, Marc 336

Rifkind, Malcolm 298

Rio light 332

Rio Tinto copper mines 47

Ritter, Karl 32

Robespierre, Maximilien 13

Robison, John 16

Rockefeller 255 Foundation

Rockefeller, David 256, 310, 347

Rockefeller, John D. 40, 47, 130, 204, 211 290

Rockefeller, Nelson 283

Rodman, Peter W. 329

Roemer, Bill 270

Airport of Rome and Vienna attack 349

Rome observer, the 334

Ronson, Gerald 395

Roosevelt Claes Martenzen van 218

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 218, 235, 358

Roosevelt, Theodore 205

Rose, Flemming 362

Rosenberg, Alan 373

Rosenberg, Ethel 255

Rosenberg, Julius 255

Rosenthal, Harold 284

Rosenthal, Julius 130

Rosenthal, Zvi 307

Ross, Brian 270

Roth, Samuel 220

Rothschild & Cie Bank (RCB) 291

Rothschild Bank of Berlin 134

Bank Rothschild of London 134

Rothschild GmbH 303

Rothschild Private Management Limited 282

Rothschild, Aline Caroline 50

Rothschild, Alfonso 51

Rothschild, Amschel 324

Rothschild, Mayer Amschel 11, 16, 32, 34

Rothschild, Babette 13, 44

Rothschild, Baron Mayer 48

Rothschild, Benjamin 262

Rothschild, Betty 31

Rothschild, Edmond de 31, 141, 142, 208, 210, 220, 257, 262, 282, 299, 328

Rothschild, James Edmond 50, 52, 123

Rothschild, Ferdinand 121

Rothschild, Gustave 51

Rothschild, Guy of 370

Rothschild, Hannah 48

Rothschild, Henriette (« Jette ») 16, 44

Rothschild, Isabella, 13, 38

Rothschild, Jacob 378

Rothschild, Jacob (James) Mayer, 16, 20, 31, 33, 44, 51, 52, 282

Rothschild, James 258

Rothschild, James Mayer 28

Rothschild, Julie 24

Rothschild, Kalmann (Carl) Mayer 15, 25, 31, 34

Rothschild, Lionel 31, 34, 47, 48, 359

Rothschild, Lionel Nathan 19

Rothschild, Maurice 50, 51, 130, 210, 259, 274

Rothschild, Mayer Amschel 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 32, 44, 359

Rothschild, Mayer Amschel – will be 20

Rothschild, Nadine 262

Rothschild, Nathan Mayer 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 30, 33, 45, 138, 312

Rothschild, Nathan Mayer – control the British money supply 23

Rothschild, Nathan Mayer – 23 insider

Rothschild, Nathaniel 20, 33, 44, 45

Rothschild, Philippe of 126, 302

Rothschild, 287 Phillipi

Rothschild, Salomon Mayer 11, 17, 19, 30, 31, 34

Rothschild, Schönche Jeannette 11, 35

Rothschild, Soloman Mayer 24

Rothschild, Victor 227, 275

Rothschild – red Hexagram 53

Rothschild – civil war 36

Rothschild – architects of the paper money system 23

Rothschild – bullion Bank of England at the 30 brokers

Rothschild – become Barons 25

Rothschild – financing both sides in the wars 22, 135

Rothschild – monetary mass gain control French 25

Rothschild – control of wealth over half of the 23 world

Rothschild – inbreeding 20

Rothschild – invention of democracy 32

Rothschild – MCI 139, 204

Rothschild – 29 opium wars

Rothschild – postal service network 22

Rothschild – red sign 9, 247

Rothschild – Switzerland for always neutral in wars 24

Rothschild – take control of 25 Vatican Bank

Rothstein, Arnold 124, 271

Rothworth 22

Royal Dutch and Shell 128

Royal Institute Of International Affairs (RIIA) 142

Rubin, Irv 295, 341

Ruby, Jack 261

Rumsfeld, Donald 329

Russian pogroms 48

Russian Revolution 138, 215

Russian Revolution – Confiscation or 139

Sabbatean 7

Massacres of Sabra and Shatila 291

Hussein, Dr. Alan 386

Sachar, Howard 129

Sachs, Albie 319

Bag, John 318

Saenz, Aaron 228

Said, the Khedive 47

Sainsbury’s, David 328

Thessaloniki 7

Samson option, 311

Samuel, Maurice 207

San Francisco Labor Council 313

San Francisco Police 313

Sarkozy, Nicolas 7, 321, 395

Sarnoff, David 209

Sassoon, Abdullah 33

Sassoon, David 26, 28, 29, 33, 50

Sassoon, Edward Albert 33, 50

Satan 46, 247-277, 309-328

Senayan 304, 305

Scarborough Rowan 337

Schact, Hjalmar 213

Schapiro, Mary 374

Schenck, Joseph 219

Schicklgruber, Maria Anna 232

Family Schiff 13

Schiff, Jacob, 43, 47, 129, 132, 133, 204, 251

Schiff, John 251

315 Schindler’s list

Schlüssel, Debbie 392

Schmugner, Mr. Wolf 286

Schnaper, 10, 11 and 32 Gütle

Schnaper, Salomon Wolf 10

Schneider, Jr., William 329

Schnell, Sylvio 221

Schorst, Joseph 53

Schudrich, Michael 386

Schwimmer, Adolph ‘Al’ 314

Scotland Yard 143

Scott, Lieutenant-Colonel John Creagh 257

Scott, Sir Walter 25

Second Bank of the United States of America 24, 26, 27, 31

Second 277 Vatican Council

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 379

Sedway Moe 243

Selective training and service of 1940 235 Act

Sephardic Jews – radiotherapy 254

Goy shabbez 8

Shalom, 356 Silvan

Shamir, Yitzhak 238, 248, 250, 296

Shand Kydd Frances 390

Sharon, Ariel 257, 291, 342, 346, 353

Shaw, George Bernard 209

Shenker, Morris 292

Sher, Susan 374

Sheridan, Walter 125

Shin Bet 287

Shulman, Douglas 374

Shur, Gerald 266

Siegel, Bugsy, 124, 128

Siegel, Martin 298

Silverstein, Larry 341

Simon Wiesenthal Center the 130

Simpson, William Gayley 231

Skrzypek Slawomir 386

Slavery 36

Sloan, Harry 373

Slovo, Yossel Mashel 319

Smolensky, Alexander 311

Smyth, Richard 295

Snell, Breanne Coventry 370

Socialism 32, 49

Sokolow, Nahum 142

Solts, Aron 143

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 143

Sombart, Werner 131

Sony Pictures 373

Soros, George 312, 393

Soskice, Frank 267

Southern Pacific Railroad 52

News of Soviet war 238

Spartacus-Weishaupt 145

Special Committee on tax exempt foundations 255

Special drawing rights (SDRS) 239, 299

Specter, Arlen 290

Spectrum, Michael 329

Spector, Phil 375

Spielberg, Steven 43, 315

Spingarn, Joel 129

Spirit of Humanity 376

Stahl, Lesley 325

47 of Stalin, 207, 218, 226, 246, 249, 302, 318

Stamp, Josiah 236

Standard oil 47, 127, 132, 205

Stanford Clinton 289

Starr, Ken 326

State of Israel 247

State of Israel – flag 247

Stauffer, Thomas 347

Stein Jr., Robert 362

Stein, Joel 373

Steinlight, Dr. Stephen 343

Stern gang 238, 241, 248, 250

Stern, Carolina 17, 34

Stiglitz, Professor Joseph 345

Stockholm-287 syndrome

Stolz, Sylvia 389

Pierre, Oliver 261, 298

Stuyvesant, Peter 6

47, 257 Suez Canal

Summers, Larry 374

Sunday Times 275, 297, 378

Sunstein, Cass 374

Supermob 123, 125, 245-272

deletion of individual freedoms 233

Svanidze, Ekaterina 207

Swinton, John 48

Swiss banking law secrecy 219

Tahomi, Avraham 208

Taliban 342

Talmud 1, 11, 34, 43, 130, 131, 208, 211, 268, 301, 309, 310, 314, 315, 316, 320, 334

Taub, Rabbi Binyomin 366

Taylor Colonel Dick 37

Teamsters Union 289, 292

University of Tel Aviv 372

Tenenbaum, David A. 326

Tenet, George 353

Tenney, Jack B. 276

Tesla, Nikola 122

The American Hebrew, 144, 146

The great in the small 54

The Passion of the Christ 355

Jewish community of Thessaloniki 7

Third world war 45

Thirteenth Tribe, 1

Thomas, Helen 388

Thyssen 213

Foundation Tides 393

Time Magazine 204, 281, 310

London times, destroy article 38 of the United States Government

Tolson, Clyde 207

Torah 309

Trading with the enemy Act 236

Trier, Claudio 228

Trier, Nathan 228

Triumph of the will of 233

47 of Trotsky, 143, 145, 226

Truman, Harry art. 246, 247

Tsar Alexander I 24, 138

Tsar Alexander II, 40, 50, 138

Tsar Nicholas II 138

Tuohy, Roger 272

Twing, Shawn l. 323

two party 384 system

Tyler, John 30

USS Liberty 272, 313

UJS Hillel 372

ul – Haq, general Zia 301

Resolution of the UN 3379 283

Underground Electric Railways Company of London Ltd 209

Union Pacific Railroad 52

United Artists 219

United of VÍTKOVICE 30 coal mines

United Jewish Appeal (UJA) 237

Organization of the Nations United 240, 243, 247, 249, 250, 285, 313, 324, 377, 393

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 355

United Negro College Fund 271

United States of America Holocaust Memorial Museum 217

United States of America National Security Council (NSC) 353

Supreme Court of the United States 133

Universal Pictures 132

University of New Hampshire 370

University of Ulster 363

Unlawful killing – film 390

Untermyer, Samuel 133, 135, 216, 219

UPC (Universal Product Code) 282

Urban moving systems 339

Valachi, Joseph 266

Valdes, Miguel Aleman 125

Van Crevald, Martin Levi 352

Van Hise, Charles R. 140

Vance, Cyrus R. 288

Vanity Fair 370

Vanunu, Mordechai 297, 355

Bank Vatican 285

Veolia 388

Peace Conference of Versailles 140, 141, 142

Vidal, Gore 261

Visor Consultants 360

Volker, Paul A. 310

von Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald 130

Von Bismarck, Otto 36

von Estorff, general 10

Wald, Lillian 130

Waldheim, Kurt 289

Wall Street Journal 311, 331

Wallace, Mike 315

Walt Disney 373

Wannal, Raymond 294

Warburg Bank of Amsterdam 134

Bank Warburg of Hamburg 134

Warburg, James Paul 252

Warburg, Paul 211

Warburg 204

Project Wardenclyffe 122

Warner Bros. 140, 373

Warren 290 Commission

Wars – victor will honour the debts of the vanquished 22

Wars are harvesting 44 Jews

Washington Post 204, 281, 310, 326

Washington 311, 322, 337 times

Washington, George 15, 314

Watergate 282

Waterloo 25

Weber, wine 329

Webster, Nesta, 203, 208, 228

Webster, William 295

Weekly magazine, the 204

Weekly Standard, the 347

Weishaupt, Adam, 11, 12, 13, 16, 26, 32

Weiss, Jacob 244

Weizmann, Chaim 53, 207, 236

Wellington 21, 22

Werby, Donald 306

Wessex Water 336

Military Academy at West Point 255

Wheeler, Lieutenant-Colonel Michael 362

Binding of the White House in the Jewish community 344

White, Harry Dexter 239

Wiesel, Elie 305

Wikipedia 389

Wilson, Woodrow 48, 133, 135, 136, 216

Wilton Robert 140

Wise, Isaac 210

Wise, Rabbi Stephen 52, 129, 229

Mr. Wolfensohn, James 335

Wolff 135

Wolfowitz, Paul 329

Woolsey, James R. 329

Army world 375

Bank global 213, 238, 239, 299, 311, 331, 335, 345, 388

World Central Bank 299

World Bank Conservation 299

World currency 375

Government World 52, 252, 255, 268, 275, 310, 347, 375

World Organization of health (who) 277

World Jewish Congress 229, 236, 271, 327

The WTO 388

World War 1 45, 135, 140, 212, 216, 222, 238

World War 2 45, 212, 219, 226, 227, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 238, 240, 243, 244, 246, 250, 288, 301, 305, 317, 327, 343, 363, 364, 368, 380, 389

World War 2 – 252 national debts

2nd world war – killed white 364

World Zionist Congress 121, 142, 147, 213

Global Zionist movement 207

World Zionist Organization 222

Worms Benedikt Moses 11

Wozniak, Major-general Stanislaw 324

Wurmser, David 325

Wurmser, Meyrav 325

Wynn, Mike 336

Wynn, Steve 336

Yagoda, Genrikh 143

Yeltsin, Boris 302, 311

Yishuv 123

Youdkevitch, Shaul 362

255 young Communist League

Young Turks 135

Young, Owen D. 213

Younger, Evelle 269, 270

Zack, Dr. Philip 341

Zakheim, Dov 354

Zalman, Rabbi Shneur 316

Zangwill, Israel 133

Zevi, Sabbatai 7

Ziffren, Paul 245

ZIM 342 shipping company

Zionism 45, 51, 205, 237, 302

Zionist Conference 145

Zionist Congress 52, 126

Zionist Federation 137

Zionist flag 53

Zionist lobby 281

Zionist Organization 53

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